

clothing optional dance party

followed by guided platonic intimacy

November 20

7:00 - 10:00 pm

Where? 92 Isabella Street

no boys allowed

$149 CAD

Katrina and Rachel were having a [platonic] bath together last October, washing each other's hair and pouring buckets of water over each other's head like the Goddesses we are when we realized: "Every woman needs this."

We aren't going to ask you all sit in a bath together (that's for the *another* time). Baby steps here.

We will guide you through an incredible evening of peeling off the layers of performance and anxiety through a clothing-optional ecstatic dance. We will follow the expansion (up-regulation!) with guided platonic intimacy exercises (down-regulation!). You will learn to make requests and offer care while honouring your yeses and nos.

This is a carefully curated evening to support you in owning who you are moment to moment. We aren’t meant to do this life alone. Standing in your [soft] power and doing what you were meant to do in this world requires a supportive sisterhood to holding you back. Experience it, and learn the tools to continue to foster it.

  • Part 01/ dance

    REUNION is an all-women's alcohol-free dance party created by @rachelmmolenda (aka DJ RAE). Think unforgettable music, expressive dance, shedding the layers of who we're not, and reuniting with who we really are. A perfect way to anchor into yourself before caring for each other.

  • part 02 / collaborative care

    For 8 years now, Katrina has been guiding groups to shed shame, connect to personal desires, and meet their needs while honouring boundaries. One of the safest and most beautiful ways to practice that is through friendship and platonic intimacy. Katrina will guide you into experiencing this first hand, with a partner and then with a small group.

  • Part 03 / closing circle

    Following a big expansion is often a contraction. We will be closing the night together with some down-regulating practices (think puppies yawning into a snuggle puddle together). There will be space to reflect and share your experience


  • 7:00 welcome + get in the body + regulate + take up space through dance

    8:00 partnered games and exercises + trusting yeses and nos, practicing giving and receiving

    9:00 group practices + collaborative care

    9:30 closing circle

  • Downtown Toronto @ 92 Isabella Street

  • 7:00 - 10:00 pm on Wednesday, November 20th. We will be finishing the evening with down-regulated, cozy vibes so you won't be too amped before bed ❤️

  • Get as undressed as you are comfortable in the space for the dance party portion. This is a way of stripping off the armour of our clothing and stepping into radical self-acceptance and expression.

    You are welcome to strip down to your undies. That could be cotton granny panties or lacy lingerie. Follow your heart. You can also stay fully dressed or somewhere in between. A silky robe, a freaky costume, what would feel good to move in?

    This is a practice of following what would feel good for YOU. We ask that you keep underwear on to keep the space clean.

    We will be pausing after the dance for a little refreshment. For the platonic intimacy half of the evening, we invite you to bring something cozy to change into. A sweatsuit, PJs, something comfy and cozy. Blankets, cushions and yoga mats will be provided.

    Please avoid wearing scents.

  • Women and non-binary people are welcome. No boys allowed.

  • This location is on the second floor and requires you to navigate a set of stairs.